Jesse Daniels Portfolio

Jesse Daniels Photo

Hello, I'm Jesse Daniels. One of 186 such named individuals according to outdated US Census data, but I am one of a kind according to my family! I have completed 15 months of training in the Code Louisville program with certificates in Front-End Web Development, C# and JavaScript.

I am a resilient, creative problem solver with a passion for producing great work in everything I do. I am a dedicated lifelong learner with a genuine positive disposition, with a focused interest in programming, technology, design, and the arts. I enjoy spending my free time hanging out with my family.


Jesse Daniels Website for cool dads
This is my latest project showcasing my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript progress for Code Louisville. Socks Plus Sandles is a website for, you guessed it, COOL DADS! If you rock Crocs with socks this a website for you.
Jesse Daniels Website a healthy low sodium heart
This is was my first project showcasing my HTML and CSS skills learned in the Code Louisville program. Building this site helped me learn responsive webdesign. Healthy Heart is a simple website to showcase some of my favorite low sodium products available.
Jesse Daniels C# journal project
This was a Dot Net C# application I built. The purpose of the app is to create a daily journal of memories of my daughters growing up. The app has a search and delete option, as well as display feature that shows the entries from one year ago.
Bam Social Photo Booth logo and website
BAM is a company I designed from the ground up. Designing the logo in Photoshop and building the website with Wordpress. The goal of this project was to create an attention grabbing brand and simple working website for my Photobooth rental buisness.
Neon Photo Co website
Neon Photo Co is a website I built using Wordpress. The purpose of this project was to build a working website to advertise my commerical photography studio & portfolio.

Photography Work

Since the summer following my college graduation I have been a professional photographer. I grew the business through networking, self learning, surrounding myself with good mentors, and grit. Traditional photography is a very hard way to make a living but we have done quite well from the bottom up.

Jesse Daniels working as a photographer

Other Jesse Stuff

Many of us have fond memories of mom baking sweet apple pies or smoking endless Virginia Slims. I have those memories too, but one of my fondest memories is my mom religiously reading her horoscope aloud. I built this horoscope feature so you can check yours daily!

Zoidac signs chart with dates

"Horoscope Generator"